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Spectra Laser skin rejuvenation and spot lightening

Spectra Laser laser skin rejuvenation and whitening is a laser technology that uses specific wavelengths:
  1. Whitening and rejuvenating skin: Sapectra Laser treatment can reduce skin pigmentation and make your skin tone more even and brighter. It can target melanocytes, destroy excess melanin, and reduce the appearance of spots and freckles, thereby achieving whitening effects.

  2. For a more even skin tone overall: By reducing pigmentation, Spectra Laser treatments can improve uneven skin tone and make overall skin tone more even. It can lighten uneven pigmentation on the face and other areas of the body, including melasma, hormonal spots, and butterfly spots.

  3. Increase skin collagen and improve skin elasticity: Spectra Laser treatments stimulate collagen regeneration in the skin, improving skin elasticity and firmness. This helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making skin appear younger and plumper.

  4. Lighten deep dark spots: Spectra Laser treatments can target deep-seated pigmentation problems such as melasma, hormonal spots and butterfly spots, and reduce the appearance of dark spots. Through the energy of laser, it can destroy pigmentation and promote the lightening and reduction of spots.

​Three major functional machine heads

Laser skin rejuvenation and spot lightening

Principle: Scan the skin with even and gentle 1064 laser to instantly disperse deep pigments and gradually improve skin pigment problems.
Purpose and efficacy: Make the overall skin tone whiter and more even, reduce different types of spots, including hormonal spots and anti-darkness, promote collagen regeneration, and improve skin.

Laser gold removal

Principle: Use 585 laser and 5mm head to repeatedly scan the skin with gentle energy to target surface melanin while adjusting the state of capillaries to improve skin problems.
Purpose and efficacy: Reduce acne redness and swelling, speed up recovery, and improve post-acne red marks, rosacea (erythema and vasodilatation phase) and facial redness.

Laser targeted spots

Principle: Use 532 laser to remove surface stains in a targeted manner
Purpose and efficacy: Targeted removal of pigment problems of different shades, including freckles, sun spots, age spots, café au lait spots, cheekbone spots, Ota spots (birthmarks), and even black/dark blue/dark brown/red Eyebrow tattoos etc.

SPECTRA Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Spot Lightening - Price Reference

1064 Skin rejuvenation and lightening original price $1,280
532 Custom Spot Spot Original price $1,280
585 gold de-stamped original price $1,280

About Spectra Laser Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Whitening Treatment - Frequently Asked Questions:

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